Foods that relieve heartburn and GERD, or against

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If you have gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is also known as GERD, then you have to be very careful about your food. Unless, if you enjoy the heartburn then just leave it and go to another page. How and what you eat, is both important. The most important key for eliminate the heartburn is choosing food wisely.

Now, at this time you are probably thinking that, “Most of the food I have causes heartburn, but I can’t give up those foods because those foods are very tasty. Now what should I eat?”

If this is the case, then I think I have a solution. I’ve found some tasty foods that are heartburn-easing and also fight against GERD.


It’s your life and your choice, so if you accept the heartburn then go ahead and have juicy doughnut for breakfast. But if you want to get free from that nasty heartburn and willing to listen to me then follow my suggestion and have oatmeal for breakfast. Oatmeal is generally in low fat and it is a high-fiber meal which soothes you stomach. You can also use sliced bananas which provide both flavor and helps you fight stomach acid naturally.


Ginger acts anti-inflammatory and it has been the remedy for all kinds of stomach problem for long time. To get better result, get your daily dose of ginger which is 2 to 4 grams by putting it in to hot water to make tea, chewing a piece of ginger, or using ginger generously while you cook.


As we all know that, both butter and oil is the main switch for heartburn. So, now to avoid heartburn you have to avoid oil and butter to stay safe. And it also means cutting the taste out of food. Anyway people, not to worry because I have a solution. From now on you can use applesauce substitute for oil which will help you to reduce the fat and add a shot of fiber in your food. To receive the best result, you can use the same amount of applesauce in your food as the recipe calls for in oil. However, you might need to tune the recipe to get your desire taste.

Try these foods and you will be safe from heartburn. If you still think that these foods are hampering your taste then don’t be afraid to try out some experiments with the recipe. But be very cautious about putting the ingredients that cause heartburn into the recipe.

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