Carbohydrates: The Good and The Bad

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Glucose is needed in order to function properly and is provided by carbs.

There are two types of carbs, simple carbs and complex carbs. Simple includes sugar found in processed foods. Simple carbs break down into glucose fairly quickly. Foods high in white flour and added sugars are considered bad. Foods high in complex carbs and fiber are called good and it takes a good amount of time for these carbs to break down into glucose.

Here’s a breakdown of good and bad carbs:

Fruits – Beans – Vegetables Are Good Carbs

It’s well known that fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients, vitamins and carbs. You should consume two cups of fruits and 2.5 cups of vegetables within the course of the day. Beans, lentils and peas are extremely high in fiber, protein and carbs. This group is also known as legumes and is very low in fat. It’s believed that the legume category may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes and prostate cancer. You should consume three cups of legumes per week.

Whole Grain: Good Carbs

Products with whole grain consist of brown rice, beans, whole wheat bread, whole grain pasta, barley, whole oats, millet, buckwheat and whole rye. These foods are high in fiber, minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients and are very good for your health. Whole grain products are very low in glycemic because they change your blood sugar levels very slowly. Consumption in low glycemic index levels will lead to a more stable blood sugar, control type 2-diabetes and help with weight loss. Foods high in glycemic index levels will lead to a very fast rise in blood glucose levels, risking heart disease and diabetes.

Sweets, Refined Grains and Biscuits: Bad Carbs

All those foods everyone loves to consume including pizza crust, white bread, hamburger buns, and pretzels are all really bad carbs. When these grains are sent through the refining process, all the fibers, B vitamins and various minerals are stripped away.

Other bad carbs are found in cookies, sodas, cakes, pancakes, baked goods etc. There’s no nutritional value and are also very high in calories. Candies or sweets will drop your blood sugar; can affect a portion of your brain that controls impulse. This causes a lack of self control, leaving the consumer craving more unhealthy foods. This in turn leads to weight gain and can possibly lead to type-2 diabetes.

These foods are also very high in glycemic index that have a negative affect on your blood sugar levels

In Conclusion

Everyone enjoys bad foods once in a while but making them a daily intake can cause a great deal of harm to your health. A slice of birthday cake, a hamburger on a bun or a soda once in a while is not going to ruin your health. Just don’t make them a daily intake within your diet. A great way to include beans in your diet is throwing together a bean salad. They are good for you, and can be very filling. Try whole wheat bread for your breakfast toast along with an orange. For dinner, try brown rice instead of white rice. When you are in the need of a snack, try nuts and slices of fruit.

It’s recommended that one serving size of breads should be one slice; cereals should be one ounce, half a cup of cooked cereal and half a cup of cooked dried beans. Read labels, pay attention to the carb count as well as the fat counts. Use the general rule: stay away from white foods, lean toward colorful foods.

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